Everything is Normal

I finally heard from my doctor just now and she said everything is fine. I have been napping on and off all day and kept waking up to check my phone and see if she had emailed me, so I was pretty worked up by the time she finally did. I foolishly was just waiting for her to email me without following up with her and she didn’t realize how worried I was. It wasn’t until I finally emailed her and told her I was worried that she got back to me. Anyway, she was very reassuring that all is good. Apparently, they look at a ratio of all the numbers and she said everything is in the normal range. Phew! Huge sigh of relief! I guess that will teach me to look at my lab results without my doctors interpretation! Now I just need to get over this horrible cold and I’ll hopefully start to feel more like myself again! I’m still not feeling so great today, but glad to know it’s just a cold and my doctor believes the nausea is from everything working it’s way through my system and will hopefully get better soon. Thankfully work isn’t … Continue reading Everything is Normal